We have begun work to make this new RV ours and getting it to feel like home. Pam has been shopping for rugs A pair of these on each side should make thing go much easier!and considering making new window treatments, while I have been on two early changes. The first was to put on a pair of skid wheels mounted to the V-bar assemblies that are at the rear of most trailers because it is The location where the TV wall mount was installed.inevitable that they will drag on occasion. To make that less of a problem, the aftermarket makes quite a range of products, but I chose to add a pair of small wheels to each side of the RV. This will make that occasional drag much less stressful on both the RV and the driver!

The next project is that I didn't care much for the way that the bracket to support the TV wasAn oak board, not yet stained or mounted permanently. mounted and so have made an oak board to support it that I will stain to match the cabinets and mount on the wall for support. I am also making a twin for it to do on the wall of the other side in order to make them look balanced. Our granddaughter has been visiting us for the past week and so these projects have been on hold, but I should get back to this in the next few days.

We are still in process of shopping for trucks to tow with, but have kind of put that on hold for a time as well. We plan to spend some time traveling without the RV in late May and into June so the tow truck is not a high priority at this time. We have seen a few trucks that are of interest and will probably buy a crew-cab truck of medium size, eventually. The current plan is to trade or CR-V or to sell it to someone. We find that taking some time is one of the advantages of being only part-time RVers once more!