The Country Coach as it came to rest.We made a run up to our old home in Cheyenne, WY today just to check things out and see a few old friends. We actually had a pretty good day and really enjoyed seeing some of the great things that are being done around the town, but as we were leaving we happened to stop by the visitor center for a little information and we met some folks there who we having a very bad day! It seems that they stopped for fuel just across the road, then at McDonalds for lunch and parked in the RV slots for the visitor center to eat their lunch. While sitting at the dinette to eat, something very bad happened to the diesel pusher and it suddenly began to roll. With their Jeep attached, it rolled across the parking lot, jumping the cub and coming to stop at the bottom of a steep slope. The wrecker prepares to lift the rear up to move it.

We spent several hours there offering what assistance we could, which was mostly being a sympathetic ear and a friendly face. They are fellow Texans and also Escapees so we wanted to do all that we could, which really was not all that much. We left wishing that there had been more we could have done, but with our motorhome 50 miles away, we couldn't even offer a place to retreat to while waiting for things to get untangled.