Our grandchildren stand near the tree & and presents, with great wonderment!It is Christmas Eve now and the young children are starting to get excited! For days now the number of brightly wrapped packages under the tree seems to grow each time they leave the room. Today it has reached a fever pitch and still no Santa and we are forced to wait one more day! Andrew and Harmony got up from naps this afternoon and were still told that they must continue to wait. Perhaps if we stay close and watch the tree it may make things happen sooner? Or sticking close may help to still the raging anxiety? Can it be that none of the adults really understand just how difficult waiting really is?

This has been an interesting day for grandparents as we watch the nervous energy continue to build. Tomorrow morning we will have to get started over to the grandchildren's house a little bit early as there isĀ  a good possibility that they muy burst if we do not get there early. We too look forward with anticipation, but for one more of those mememorable days with family.