The day has finally come. We leave this morning to attend our very first Escapade!

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Pam & I have been members of Escapees RV Club now from more than ten years. Over those years there have been many times when we were just too far away and committed to some work-camper position to be able to get there. Most of those years there have been two Escapades. On four previous occasions we made plans to attend an Escapade because we were relitavely close, and our schedule allowed for it, when some other thing came up.  Two times just as we thought we would attend, one of our sons announced the pending arrival of a new grandchild and our attendance was requested. Yet another time, we had plans to attend when another son announced his wedding would be taking place on the second day or Escapade! And on another occasion we were not all that far away but the work site asked us to help with a special event which they needed our help and so we felt that we could not let them down. 


We will be arriving at Escapade on May 23 and leaving on May 29, so anyone who is going to join us, please do look us up and allow us to meet you!