I missed putting anything up last night as we were busy and I was lazy! We traveled on Friday from Sumter Oaks RV park to Ft. Meyers, Florida, a distance of about 180 miles. We spent the night at Ft. Meyers Beach RV Resort, what appears to be a mobile home court that has mostly been converter to a place for RV snowbirds. The park is at exit 131 on I-15 and is a Passport park. The cost with tax was $25 and it was fairly nice with many activities for those who stay but the streets are very narrow and the sites difficult to get into. While it was all right, I would not be likely to return there. Since they had wifi but for $5 and I had things to do and I didn't bother to put up the dish!
We have now arrived at our home for the next few months in Everglades National Park. We live in what they call the Trail Center. This is a residence area for seasonal employees and volunteers. There are five RV sites and four housing uints for two people each. They are arranged near a small lake that has a dock and a canoe for the use of the resident staff.
In our opinion, we have the nicest of the RV sites here. Since we just arrived we have not yet met all staff who reside here, but did meet two of them and they seem very friendly. Tonight is a campfire down by the lake so we may meet some of the others.
Since we are now off of the road for several months so we will shortly get a new page started for this new experience. We do intend to keep the blog going, at least for the time being, depending upon how often it is visited.
As I sit here recovering from America's favorite Thanksgiving activity, over eating, I can but marvel at how fortunate we really are! In spite of all of the economical difficulties of the country at this time, we still seem to find ways to enjoy friends and family and to enjoy our lives. How fortunate we are to live where we do!
Our day was highlighted with the annual dinner in the clubhouse, joining into groups by table as is the Escapee tradition. With eleven Escapees sharing our dinner we made new friends and spent time with other who were not so new. It was a wonderful day with warm weather and ware friendships!
We spent some time exploring today and went up the road to see this attraction since we had noticed it as we came south on I-75. It is located on the south side of Ocala, FL.
If you have any interest in cars and racing this museum is worth a visit. The cost is $15 or $13 for seniors. There are two very large buildings full of cars. Everything from antique cars, hot rods, and serious drag cars. He has many of the record setting cars from the earliest days of drag racing up through some current world record holders. We spent about four hours there and a serious race fan could easily spend two days. We went because of the suggestion of a good friend and are very happy that we took his advice. There is even one early RV in the collection, which the family owned many years ago.
This morning was a bit cloudy and damp, but no real rain. Temperatures were in the 50's so we thought that we would go out and see what interesting things we might find nearby.
Not far from the town of Bushnell is a small but interesting state park. It was the site where the second, and probably the most destructive of the Seminole Indian wars began. Major Dade and 106 soldiers were defeated and killed by the native people, who felt that their homeland was being taken away. Only two severely injured privates managed to survive and get back to the fort for help. The war that followed lasted for seven years and ended with most of the natives removed to what is now Oklahoma.
We spent a couple of very pleasant hours roaming the grounds, reading the signs and in the visitor center. Should you stop by Sumter Oaks RV Park. do take the time to visit this very interesting site.
About 2pm on Sunday afternoon we arrived at our next stop in route to the Everglades.
I do believe that Sumter Oaks is the prettiest Escapee park that we have ever visited. Arriving on a Sunday we were also welcomed by a 4pm social hour which included ice cream sundaes! What a great way to meet the residents. Like all Escapee parks, the daily social hour is the place to learn what is happening in the park and to meet the folks who staying here. As is the Escapee custom, we were introduced as new arrivals and that lead to a very warm welcome.
I do believe that this park has given us the warmest welcome that we have yet experienced in an Escapee park. We plan to spend several days here and to get out and explore the area this afternoon. I will try to get back to post more a bit later in the day.
What a wonderful day it is and how fortunate we are for the life that we lead!
We traveled a bit farther than usual on Saturday, since the weather was good and we really didn't see much that triggered our interest. Also, we were thinking to make it a short day on Sunday.
We found a really nice RV park called "Oaks N Pines" that is located at exit #303 of I-10 which is also part of Passport America and also is listed in the Escapees & Good Sam discount programs. It is a very nice park, just off of the interstate far enough to be quiet, nice pull-through sites with 50A, free wifi & cable TV. The folks there are very nice and the park is a true bargain with all of the discounts which they offer.
This morning it is a beautiful, sunny day, although a bit chilly with a heavy frost last night.
On Tuesday evening, Nov. 18, we arrived at Rainbow Plantation RV Park, near Summerdale, AL. This is one of the nicest of the Escapees RV parks and is also home base to our friends, Norm & Linda Payne. We have now been here for three days and will be continuing on our way to Florida tomorrow.