Monday, 3/2(heavenly days where did February go?) we were out exploring once again. We traveled to the north and west and visited a small farming community of Immokalee. It was interesting but the main reason for going there was to see the Pioneer Museum. While it was good, they still have a way to go in order to make it complete.

                    kitchen     bedroom

It was very interesting though and we even got a personal tour from the museum manager. Of course, this is a museum with only two employees, the manager and the maintence guy. But it was informative and we were the only visitors there. As such we probably also heard a lot more history of the area. I found it fascinating that Florida was the first major cattle producing state and was the #1 supply for the south in the Cival War. The Texas cattle industry was just begining at that time and has a very common history in that both states had large populations of cattle that decended from those left behind by the first Spanish explorers. While the Cracker Cattle and the Texas Longhorn have a lot in common in apprearance, they are also very different in size and some other colors. It did make for an interesting day off.  It was a very cold day in Florida! The day was sunny but the high temperature was only 64 degrees.........